Development opportunity for 220+ units at 1460 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
The property is in the Alta Vista neighbourhood, bordered by Riverside Drive and Terminal Avenue. This centrally located site presents a great opportunity for a future residential project with a minimum of 220 units under a leasehold with National Capital Commission for 99 years.
Development opportunity for 220+ units at 1460 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Development opportunity for 220+ units at 1460 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
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Your application must be submitted before 12:00 p.m. (ET) on June 6, 2025.
The property at its natural state provides a pristine canvas for a mixed-use development.
This parcel, located at 1460 Riverside Drive, encompasses 0.89 hectares of vacant land in the heart of Ottawa. Nestled in a neighbourhood full of potential, this property offers exciting opportunities for future growth and development. Public transportation, as well as many amenities, is accessible from the property.
The current zoning is designated as TD2: Transit Oriented Development Zone, Section 195, which permits the construction of multi-unit housing up to 60 meters in height by right.
The property at 1460 Riverside Drive is a prime, undeveloped lot of 0.89 hectares, owned by the National Capital Commission in Ottawa. Nestled near the Rideau River, the site is easily accessible by bicycle or on foot via paved paths and trails. This location offers a unique blend of natural beauty and urban convenience, making it an ideal canvas for future development.
Development in the community design plan will focus on:
compact and complete mixed-use forms
transit and pedestrian connections to the surrounding city fabric
enhancement of the existing natural environment
prioritizing non-vehicular movement
designing the development as an attractive, compact urban community with aesthetically interesting and sustainable urban neighbourhoods
The site will be leased to the successful proponent for 99 years. Affordability must be maintained throughout the lease term. This supports the Government of Canada’s commitment to making federal properties available to housing providers. It also helps ensure that public lands remain public and affordable homes stay affordable.
Land Identifier:
Property Address:
1460 Riverside Dr, Ottawa, Ontario
Legal Description:
PIN 04203-0705
Site Area:
0.89 hectare (8,900 square meters)
Full municipal services available
TD2: Transit Oriented Development Zone, Section 195
None, vacant lot
Request the Property Application Guide for more details on requirements.
Minimum requirements
Minimum number of units
The proponent must seek to create an affordable housing development that includes a minimum of 220 units on the site.
In planning the affordability component of your proposal, you must ensure a minimum of 30% of total units have rents below 80% of the median market rent in Ottawa and the affordability must be maintained throughout the term of the 99-year lease.
Energy efficiency
You must demonstrate that your project is designed to meet or exceed the following criteria:
Tier 2 of the 2020 National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) or Tier 3 of the 2020 National Building Code (NBC).
You must demonstrate that your project is designed to meet or exceed one of the following options:
Option 1: 20% of units within the project must meet or exceed accessibility standards (CSA B651:23/652:23), including the Rick Hansen Foundation GOLD Accessibility Certification, and its common areas must be barrier-free.
Option 2: Have full universal design applied, in accordance with CMHC’s universal design requirements table.
Evidence of community need
You must provide a clear description of the need being met and at least 1 of the following:
Market feasibility study which includes the quantitative and qualitative indicators demonstrating need and estimated absorption time.
Letter of support from the municipality.
Waiting lists for social or affordable housing in the community.
You must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in construction and property management of projects of similar size and scope as that being proposed.
Financial viability
You must demonstrate that your residential project will meet a minimum debt coverage ratio of 1.10.
The Federal Lands Initiative is open, but not limited, to the following groups:
community housing organizations
non-profit organizations or registered charities
co-operative housing organizations
municipal, provincial and territorial governments including their agencies
Indigenous governments and organizations, including tribal councils
for-profit organizations
Interested applicants must demonstrate in their response to this competition how they will meet or exceed minimum requirements.
The Federal Lands Initiative is launching a competition to seek a proponent to lease the subject property parcel(s) to develop an affordable housing project(s) with a minimum of 220 residential units that will meet or exceed certain minimum criteria. The property will be available for lease at a discounted to no cost. The lease price will be determined based on the level of social outcomes achieved.
Proponents must clearly state the outcomes they are committing to achieve and support these outcomes with detailed supporting documentation. For the Federal Lands Initiative to select a successful proponent, it must receive a completed application and all mandatory supporting documentation.
Before starting your application, please take a moment to download, save, and review our portal guide. The guide includes information required to create your profile and start the application process successfully.