Apartment Construction Loan Program: Student Housing
Access low-cost financing to build or convert non-residential buildings into student housing.

How does the Apartment Construction Loan Program Support Student Housing?
The Apartment Construction Loan Program provides low-cost financing to support the construction of student housing. It also supports the conversion of non-residential to student housing.

The Apartment Construction Loan Program has options to build or convert non-residential buildings into sustainable rental housing. Contact us to see which option is right for you.
Apartment Construction Loan Program: Student Housing
Fund Details
Loans through the program offer:
Favourable terms
- A fixed interest rate locked in at first advance for certainty during the riskiest periods of development.
- Qualify for up to a 50-year amortization period.
- Qualify for up to 100% loan to cost for residential space and up to 75% loan to cost for non-residential space (depending on the strength of the application).
Low costs
- Interest-only payments: Financed by the loan during construction and paid by the borrower from the occupancy permit until 12 consecutive months of stabilized effective gross income (stabilization).
- Principal and interest payments: Paid by the borrower from stabilization to end of term.
Access to CMHC mortgage loan insurance
- CMHC mortgage loan insurance is an integrated feature of the program. The borrower does not pay the premium, only the PST if applicable.
Please note: At the end of the term, the applicant is responsible for arranging take-out financing with a CMHC approved lender.
Am I eligible?
Eligible borrowers include post-secondary educational institutions, for-profit developers, non-profit developers and other levels of government.
All projects must:
- have at least 5 rental units
- have a loan size of at least $1 million
- respond to a need for student housing
- primary purpose of the project must be considered residential with the non-residential component not to exceed 30% of total gross floor space nor 30% of total cost
- must be permanent in nature (long-term stay)
- meet the minimum documentation requirements
Financial viability
- You must have the financial and operational ability to carry the project without ongoing subsidies and the ability to meet debt coverage ratio requirements.
You must meet and maintain one of the following affordability requirements for at least 10 years:
Option 1:
- At loan initiation, rents for all units or beds must be comparable to existing on-campus student housing in the local market, considering project details.
- If existing on-campus student housing projects aren’t suitable comparables, the required appraisal or market study (pdf) must show how the project and rents meet student needs and ensure project viability and marketability.
- As a general guideline, proposed base rents should not exceed the lower end of the local rental market for comparable projects.
- CMHC will assess the reasonability and acceptability of the proposed base rents as part of application and underwriting process.
Option 2:
- Alternatively, the requirement may be met if rents are established pursuant to an affordable housing program or other initiative (federal, provincial, territorial or municipal) that approves the proposal and provides support for the development of the student housing project.
Rent increases
- Rent increases must be capped for a minimum of 10 years from authorized first occupancy (referred to as the affordability period).
Refer to the Program Highlight Sheet (PDF) for more information.
- self-contained and non-self-contained units are eligible
- no maximum number of bedrooms for self-contained units
- only self-contained units are eligible
- maximum of 4 bedrooms per unit
- must be conveniently serviced by public transportation or within walking distance to campus
Note: For off-campus projects, a post-secondary educational institution must be involved. This may include:
- developing or managing the project
- providing capital or operating funding
- leasing units
- offering student tenant selection services
Application Steps
You will need to provide all documents outlined in the Required Documentation Checklist (PDF) in the application stage.
Additionally, complete these forms before signing in or creating an account in the CMHC portal:
• Project Assessment Workbook – Student Housing (Excel)
• Integrity Declaration (PDF)
After receiving confirmation from your CMHC specialist that your draft application is complete, you can submit your application to the portal and upload all required documents.1
Once received, your application will be reviewed for readiness, eligibility and completeness.
We will only review complete applications. In some cases, we may determine that a different program better meets your project’s needs. If so, a CMHC specialist may encourage you to apply for a different initiative/program.
The Apartment Construction Loan Program aims to prioritize only the strongest projects that:
• Meet or exceed the mandatory minimum requirements
• Demonstrate greater social outcomes that contribute to vibrant, socially inclusive neighborhoods
• Address a need for supply in the market
Selected applications will receive a conditional approval within 30 days of complete submission.
The conditional approval will outline the terms, conditions and additional required documents that must be submitted for underwriting.2
After receiving conditional approval of your application from CMHC, it will be sent to CMLS (our external service provider) for underwriting.
You will then be required to pay the application fees according to the details provided in the Program Highlight Sheet (PDF).
Once you have received conditional approval, you’ll have up to 90 days to submit the necessary documents for underwriting. If you don’t submit the documents within this timeframe, your application will be withdrawn.
After CMLS confirms receipt of all necessary documentation, it can take up to 60 days to complete the underwriting process.3
Successful applicants will receive a term sheet from CMHC. This document outlines the key terms and conditions of the financing.
We will issue a loan agreement within 40 days of receiving the signed term sheet. You have 30 days to accept and return the signed loan agreement to CMHC.
The funding process with monthly construction draws will begin once the loan agreement has been fully executed.
CMLS will administer the loan on behalf of CMHC. At the end of the term, borrowers must transfer the CMHC-insured mortgage to a CMHC approved lender.6
Application Resources
Apply Today
Please refer to the Required Documentation Checklist (PDF) to provide all necessary documents with your application.
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Online Application Portal
Before starting your application, please take a moment to download, save, and review our portal guide. The guide includes information required to create your profile and start the application process successfully.
Download the portal guide (PDF)Start your application
Have questions? Need further support? Contact one of our regional CMHC specialists.