The Federal Community Housing Initiative (FCHI) is a $618.2 million fund to support federally administered community housing projects reaching the end of their operating agreements from past social and affordable housing programs.
Housing providers who are currently enrolled in the program and would like to increase the number of households receiving rental assistance may be eligible for additional funding.
Housing providers who were previously eligible, but not currently enrolled and now wish to receive assistance, may also be eligible to do so.
For more information, please contact our team at
The initiative has two phases:
- FCHI-Phase 1, provided $38 million in federal funding over a two-year period.
- Phase 2 provides a total of $580.2 million in funding for housing providers with expired agreements and those that will expire by March 31, 2028.
The two FCHI-2 funding streams are:
- Rental Assistance: The rental assistance stream provides financial assistance for low-income households. Housing providers may apply for this rental support, which aims to fund the gap between 30% of an assisted household’s gross monthly income and the occupancy charge.
Transitional Funding: The transitional funding stream is
available to housing providers having trouble transitioning to the new
program. The temporary funding will cover eligible operating costs for up to
24 months following the expiration of past federal agreements. This funding
stream has a limited budget and is reserved for the most vulnerable groups,
such as deep subsidy projects or urban Indigenous projects. Transitional
funding is provided alongside the rental assistance stream as a separate,
additional form of assistance.
Once the transitional funding ends, housing providers will continue to receive rental assistance until the end of the FCHI-2 agreement.
- Enrolment Process
- Agreement and Administration