The census is one of the best tools to ensure that the people who work hard to support us — from urban planners, housing specialists, to transit agencies — have accurate data to respond to your needs. The picture of Canada is not complete without you. Everyone must be counted. Complete the census today!
Why is the Census important?
Every 5 years, the Census of Population counts every household and person in Canada. The census helps decision makers to make important decisions that affect our families, our neighbourhoods and our businesses.
How does this impact me?
Your input is used by governments, businesses, associations, community organizations and many others to make important decisions for your community, your province or territory, and the entire country. Your responses help plan for services for you and your family members.
Local and provincial governments gather information on:
- schools and daycares
- emergency services (fire, police and medical)
- roads and public transit
- community services (health care, education and employment)
Census data demonstrates a snapshot of our communities, housing and the occupants. Responses help gather data on the following:
- population
- age of population
- types of households
- average income
- average daily commute to work
- commonly used transportation
- immigration rates
- educational background
Looking for information on a specific area or neighborhood? Check out Statistics Canada’s GeoSearch interactive mapping tool. This tool makes it easy to find many places in Canada, see them on a map, and get basic geographic and demographic data for those places.
Visit the Census Profile page on the Statistics Canada website, for more demographic information.
What do we do with Census data?
CMHC uses census data to assess the following types of information on Canadian housing:
- socio-economic information on households
- housing information (i.e. the age of the housing stock, number of households or number of homes)
- number of households struggling with housing affordability
By using census data, we create data tables on rental markets, housing markets, household characteristics, finance, securitization and core housing need.
Is my information safe?
Yes. Statistics Canada is bound by law to protect the confidentiality of the information respondents provide in the census. Only Statistics Canada employees who have taken the oath of secrecy have access to census questionnaires. Your identity will not be identified with the processed data shared with partners or posted online.
Complete your census questionnaire today. It's safe, quick and easy.
Canadian households have started receiving their secure access codes to fill out their 2021 Census. As soon as you receive your access code, complete the questionnaire online or by phone.
Contribute to your neighbourhood’s future.
For information on the accessibility of the census questionnaire and alternate formats available for the 2021 Census, please visit Frequently asked questions — Accessibility, alternate formats and non-official languages.
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Related links
- Core Housing Need
- Data tables
- Statistics Canada — 4 things to look for when choosing a new neighbourhood