Who to notify when moving – change of address checklist

Keep track of who to notify when you move.

Moving to a new home can be a very exciting experience and there are many details to consider. Planning ahead and being well prepared can help make that transition go as smoothly as possible. The following list will help you keep track of who you need to notify in the event of a change of address.

Personal contacts

A good trick to ensure you reach all your contacts is to cross check through your contact list in your mobile device or your name and address book.

Healthcare professionals

Your healthcare professionals will want to keep their records up to date. Make sure you call them to let them know your new address, or mention it at your next appointment.

Creditors and services

It's a good idea to give plenty of notice of your change of address to utility and other service providers so that you keep receiving the same level of service at your new address.

Government services

It is important to notify the federal and your provincial/territorial government if your address changes.

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