Improving the quality, supply and affordability of housing for Indigenous Peoples living in urban, rural and northern areas is a priority for the Government of Canada and an important commitment on the path toward reconciliation.
Today, the Government of Canada is announcing its intention to launch a Request for Proposals, in January 2024, to offer an open and transparent opportunity for interested Indigenous-led organizations to be considered to lead the establishment of a For Indigenous By Indigenous (FIBI) National Indigenous Housing Centre.
Once selected, the Government of Canada will finalize an agreement with the proponent to establish the National Indigenous Housing Centre, whose key role will be to provide funding to address core Indigenous housing needs in urban, rural and northern areas. The broader vision of the Centre will be further refined by the successful applicant of the Request for Proposal.
The Government of Canada will also work with First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and Modern Treaty Self Governing Indigenous Government partners on their distinctions-based housing strategies to support their people living in urban, rural and northern areas and discuss interim approaches for those who may not be ready.
These are key steps in advancing the Budget 2023 commitment of $4 billion over 7 years starting in 2024 – 25 for the implementation of the Urban, Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy, which was in addition to the Budget 2022 commitment of $300 million to address urgent and unmet needs and support the Indigenous-led engagement on this Strategy.
The procurement process to identify the best candidate will be managed by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), on behalf of the Government of Canada and in collaboration with Indigenous Services Canada, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and Infrastructure Canada.
More information will be shared when the Request for Proposals for a National Indigenous Housing Centre is launched in the coming months.
“The future National Indigenous Housing Centre is a great step towards supporting a For Indigenous, By Indigenous approach to improve the housing outcomes of Indigenous Peoples living in urban, rural and northern areas. It will seek to ensure affordability and encourage the creation of new housing units to close the gap in core housing need for Indigenous families and individuals.”
“The future National Indigenous Housing Centre will help First Nations, Inuit, and Métis find a place to call home that is safe, secure, and affordable. This is the next step to addressing the gaps that exist, so we can move forward on the path of reconciliation. More to do.”
“The housing gap for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples continues, and it is a daily reality in urban, rural and northern areas across the country. National Indigenous Housing Centre will help address this core housing need through a For Indigenous By Indigenous approach. Indigenous Peoples are best placed to find tangible, lasting, Indigenous-led solutions to the housing needs of their citizens and to help close the housing gap.”
“For too long, Indigenous Peoples from coast to coast to coast have not had the same access to housing that’s affordable as other Canadians. This request for proposals for a National Indigenous Housing Centre led by Indigenous Peoples for Indigenous Peoples represents a crucial next step, not only to close the housing infrastructure gap, but to also continue our shared path towards reconciliation.”
Quick facts:
- Budget 2023 committed $4 billion over 7 years starting 2024 - 25 for the implementation of the Strategy — this in addition to Budget 2022’s $300 million commitment to co-develop and launch an Urban, Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy with Indigenous partners to address the housing needs of Indigenous Peoples living in urban, rural and northern areas.
- The Government of Canada has made a commitment to work with Indigenous partners to co-develop an Urban, Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy, a stand-alone companion to the National Housing Strategy, supported by dedicated investments, and create Canada’s first-ever National Indigenous Housing Centre.
- In early 2023, CMHC funded Indigenous governments, organizations, housing and service providers to lead engagements on the creation of an Urban, Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy, which is intended to close gaps in housing need. This Strategy will complement the National Housing Strategy, the three existing distinctions-based housing strategies for First Nations, Inuit and Métis, as well as other investments in Indigenous housing. A What We Heard Report will be released in early 2024.
- CMHC is working in collaboration with Indigenous Services Canada, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and Infrastructure Canada on this Strategy.
Additional information:
- Budget 2022
- Budget 2023
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Indigenous Services Canada
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
- Infrastructure Canada
Information on this news release:
Micaal Ahmed
Office of the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities
Media Relations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation