These tables offer a detailed statistical overview of Canada’s urban and rural rental markets. They offer housing professionals, researchers and renters detailed rental market data at the national, provincial and local levels. This includes data on vacancy rates, average rents and more for various types of rental housing across Canada.
Housing markets, data and research
Housing data
Data tables
- Rental market data
Rental market data
Potential renters, property owners and even property development professionals can gain valuable information from CMHC’s Rental Market Data. It can be used to price properties, stay competitive and even help determine ideal areas to build or rent.
Rental market data
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Rental Market Survey Data Tables
Purpose-built Rental Housing Market (urban and rural centres)
Urban Rental Market Survey Data (Centres with at least 10,000 people):
- Number of Units
- Vacancy Rates
- Average Apartment Rents (Vacant & Occupied)
- Vacancy Rate by Rent Quartile
- Vacancy Rate by Rent Quintile
- Number of Units by Building Size
- Average Rents in Urban Centres
- Rent Quartiles
- Percentile Rents for all Urban Centres and Pooled Small Centre Rental Market Statistics
Rural Rental Market Survey Data (Centres with 2,500 to 10,000 people):
Seniors’ Rental Housing Market
Condominium Apartment Survey
Social and Affordable Rental Structure Survey Tables
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Date Published: November 19, 2020