Buying a home
Homebuying calculators
- Mortgage calculator
Mortgage calculator
Our mortgage calculator lets you make informed decisions about your home financing. Start exploring your options today and take the first step toward your next home.
Simulate mortgage payments, estimate mortgage loan insurance costs and explore various payment frequencies. Whether you're buying your first home or refinancing, this calculator will help you make informed financial decisions.
NOTE: This calculator automatically includes premiums for down payments under 20% for homes priced below $1,500,000.
CMHC mortgage loan insurance is available for amortization periods of 30 years provided you are a first-time homebuyer or purchasing a new build.
Mortgage calculator
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This calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Users should not rely on this calculator to make any financial decisions. While every effort is made to keep this tool up-to-date, CMHC does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any information or calculations provided by this calculator. CMHC is not liable for loss or damage of any kind arising from the use of this tool.
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Use these CMHC resources to help guide you through the home-buying experience. Ideal for first-time buyers, refinancers and industry professionals.
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