Types of rentals
Apartments vary from walk-up units in low-rise buildings to units located in buildings with elevator access. Amenities can vary from a single onsite washer and dryer, to full laundry rooms, common rooms and fitness facilities. Some of the advantages of apartment living include secured access and no maintenance of external grounds.
House rentals include townhouses, duplexes, semi-detached and single-detached houses. A basement apartment in a house is often considered an apartment. House rentals provide more space than most apartments and provide the advantage of having access to some outside spaces including patios, lawns, garden and parking.
Rooming House
Rooming houses are shared accommodations with both short-term (week-to-week) and longer-term rental options. Many rooms have their own refrigerator for a tenant’s personal use.
What do you need in a rental?
- Affordability: How much can you afford each month and still have money left over for your other bills (property insurance, cable, telephone service, Internet connection, parking, etc.)?
- Location: How close do you want to be to work, school or family and friends?
- Parking and public transportation: If you have a car, how accessible is parking? If you don’t have a car, how easy is it to go grocery shopping or to get to appointments?
- Surroundings: Do you want to be at the centre of activity, or in the quiet suburbs?
- Availability: Some rental properties are harder to find during certain months of the year. Can you wait to move for a few months so you have more variety to choose from?
- Safety: Are there a lot of break-ins or crime in the area that you need to consider?