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Create Your User Account

Please fill in the following fields to create your user account. Information will be stored in My Profile and can be updated at any time. Only the fields marked with “*” are mandatory for registration. You may fill in the rest of the profile information now or update your account once your profile has been created. Your email address will be your login ID.

Personal Information

  • First Name:*
  • Last Name:*
  • Accreditations:
  • Agent/Broker Licence Number:
  • Title:
  • Profession:*
  • Company Information

  • Company:*
  • Street Address

  • City
  • Province
  • Postal Code:
  • Agent/Broker Licence Number:
  • Company Information

  • Telephone Number:
  • Cell:
  • Fax:
  • Pager:
  •  Website:
  • I consent to receive event invitations, announcements, reminders, updates and other types of communications concerning CMHC products and services. *

    Yes No

    I understand that I may subsequently withdraw my consent at any time. I further understand that by selecting my existing subscriptions to CMHC electronic newsletters and publications will NOT be cancelled. These subscriptions can be managed in accordance with instructions provided in each electronic communication received.

  • Sign in

  • Email Address:*

    Note: This is the email address you will use to login to this site.

  • Password:*

    Note: Your password should be 6-12 characters long with no spaces.

  • Confirm Password:*